Dry brushing is a wonderful way to support our body and to encourage balance and vitality within. The act of dry brushing supports our physical body in a multitude of ways, one very important way is that it helps to stimulate our Lymphatic System.

Our lymphatic system acts as a one-way drainage system, meaning it moves fluid from body tissues into the ur blood circulation. It contains white blood cells called lymphocytes, which fight infection, it also helps to get rid of any waste that our cells make. The lymphatic system maintains the fluid balance in the body and aids the immune system.

One of the main jobs it has is to help with the removal of toxins. When we are not free flowing, including within our physical body, we find that blockages will occur, this can lead to us feeling depleted, or a rise in cold and flu symptoms, it can lead to other organs in our body being taxed, and on an emotional level it makes it more difficult for the emotions to flow out. Any body systems connected to the element of water not only reflect our physical body but also relate directly to how we process and move our emotions. The lymphatic system is a mirror to how we embrace the flow of emotions and our ability to express feelings of sadness and grief.

Dry brushing helps to stimulate and provide support for proper function of the lymphatic system. Some other benefits include, improved immune function, reduction in swelling and excess fluid in the body. It will help to encourage clear skin and improve circulation and waste efficiency, this helps to counteract puffiness and skin dullness.

Those of us that are consciously walking our spiritual path will be actively transforming emotions, and stuck energy that resides in the body. There are many layers and levels to this but what is important is that not only do our subtle bodies go through transformation, so too does our physical vessel. To be able to support the body through different stages and cycles of transformation we need to take great care of our bodies. This is where dry brushing comes in, it can help to support those that are going through these shifts by encouraging the release of pent up, blocked and stagnant energy. Through dry brushing we can help to encourage and better support this flow of purification.

Some other wonderful benefits of dry brushing include:

  • Boosting Circulation, helping to increase blood flow.
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth and glowing.
  • Reduction in cellulite.
  • Unclogging of pores and a reduction in ingrown hairs.

How to dry brush:

Start at your feet and work your way up your body, make sure to use light pressure on areas where the skin is thin, you can use harder pressure on thicker skin. Brush your skin using stroking or circular motions. To support the detoxification process, make sure you brush towards the nearest lymph node. Brush your arms after you have brushed your feet, legs, and mid-section. When you have finished dry brushing, have a shower to help remove the lifted skin cells off. Finally after your shower, dry off and use your favorite moisturiser or body oil.

To locate the lymph nodes, it is definitely worth doing a quick google search, this will give you an idea of where they are stationed in the body. 

Simply rinse your brush after you have completed your brushing routine. You can dry it in an open, sunny area. Clean your brush once a week using soap and water. 

Dry brush once or twice a week, consistency is the key and will provide you with the greatest results. 

Check out our Dry Brushes here. 

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