Howlite | Point


Howlite | Point

An extremely calming stone. It helps to link us into spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind to recieve wisdom and insights. Howlite helps to formulate ambitions, both spiritual and material, and aids in achieving them.

Psychologically, Howlite teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger by absorbing it and any directed toward you. 

Howlite helps to still the mind and is excellent for sleep and meditation. It allows for calm and reasoned communication to take place. It can calm turbulent emotions, especially those that have past-life causes. It releases the strings that tie old emotions to present life triggers. It also helps to aid dream re-call and alleviate insomnia especially from an over-active mind. 

Chakra: Third Eye. Crown

Calm. Insight. Illumination. Wisdom. Dreams. 

Point approx. 9 x 2cm

Sold individually. No two crystals are the same. They are all unique in their characteristics and will be intuitively selected for you from what we have available. 

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.