Labradorite | Crystal Keyring


Labradorite Crystal Keyring

A powerful stone of transformation, Labradorite is known to bring in light and guard your aura. It defends against negativity and boosts self-worth. Stimulating your intuition, it helps you realize the truth beyond any illusions. Moreover, it wards off other's harmful energy & thought forms. Plus, it calms mental activity, so you can relax and think more clearly.

Chakra: Throat. Third Eye. Crown.

Transformation. Intuition. Psychic Abilities. Communication. Clarity. Rebirth.

Crystal keyring measures Approx. 2.5 - 3cm

Sold individually. Photo is indicative of the Keyring you will receive. Each Keyring is unique in its characteristics and will be intuitively selected for you.

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.